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😎 All About Bluehost 😎


Heaton and Danny Ashworth and they wanted to kind of make a better hosting company that had a couple iterations before but Bluehost was the next generation of hosting and they thought you know hey if we ever got up to twenty thirty thousand customers that's the most we'd ever be able to flip handle today we're well over that you know we've got close to a million customers we're going by thirty to forty thousand a month and there's lots of things that Bluehost has done to make the web hosting industry better so not only you have faster speeds more reliable uptime and less bugs or issues that could potentially take down your website but it's just going to run cleaner and faster and that's because of the technology that we've developed here that's something that really sets us apart from our competition you know a lot of a lot of companies they go out they rent servers from a data center they fire them up for their customers and that's the extent of it they don't really know the hardware and we all know hardware very very well we build all of our servers here in house we spec them out we actually test different configurations we work with the manufacturers to have them build what we want understanding that better helps helps customers realize hey my downtime is less on bluehost because they have these technologies that nobody else has we have worked hard on the stability of the platform have a service provider we believe that the number one important factor is to have uptime so we do everything that we can to make that server lightning-fast so we're constantly finding better ways to do it more efficiently more effectively and more powerfully for the users largest goal of Bluehost is to make sure that the customer is happy and that they really think that Bluehost is taking care of them our support is amazing we have an average home time of less than 30 second we offer 24/7 service it's all based here in the USA the quality of support is so high that we can actually answer questions the first time rather than having repeat calls coming in from the same customer with the same issue one of the things that makes us different than everyone else is we are 100% in-house in every way every single representative no matter what department they come into goes through a couple weeks worth of training in not only technical aspects so that we make sure that our staff is knowledgeable but also so that we can train them in customer service and knowing how to address the customers needs how to listen to our clients how to make sure that we're taking care of them and making them feel comfortable and happy with their hosting experience on a daily basis I get many comments about how amazing our technical support is how they can't believe how they picked up the phone and within a few seconds actually talked to attack somebody who was knowledgeable solve their problem quickly and addressed all the issues that they have I really do get a feel and sense for that our customers want the web hosting experience to be better and they know we'll listen and so together we make a pretty fantastic company


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