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Arvixe Web Hosting Review - Do Not Use Them Before Watching This Honest Review

 little upset i got to do this whole

again anyway

so i'm reviewing arvix i i i have used

arvix for a long ass time if you're like

new to arvix and like thinking about

like should i use arvix

you know they look like they're cheap

and you know they

no back in the day they used to have


24-hour phone support you can call them

at any time

you know um and anytime you needed to


to somebody they would somebody would be


about your account your hosting account

your domain

you name it they would have that's

how that's how they became

like the name became known but

then something got brought out and then

they eliminated like

24-hour phone support and that's

that was like the biggest thing in my


24-hour phone support you can't really

get account and hold anybody in contact

with anybody now

concerning your account you gotta like

email them that's not cool

and it's so it's not worth it to me

um like they used to be dope

but they suck now they suck

so if you're thinking about obvious

using orbits don't do it

like i wouldn't you i really

wouldn't you you're my favorite


no i don't know my wife told me to tell

me about that but

don't don't use orbex

reason being is they had their customer

service did their

service sucks

balls don't do it

um if you're looking for a good hosting


with good customer service

and affordable without all the extra

click the link in the description i'll

tell you who to use

nobody's going to tell you who to use

because they're lying if they tell you

to use arvix they're lying to you

like if they tell you to use godaddy or

like gator host any anybody like that

they're lying to you

they're like trying to get over

i will tell you the real deal who to use

how to

how to use these people how to use these


and and not break the bank

all right and the next people i'm gonna

next uh company i'm gonna um

review is ulta host and icky host

because i just realized they they've

been trying to jerk me

because you know i got i got a plethora

of domains out there

and i use different hosts for different



i realized you know what i need to start

reviewing these companies that are doing

me dirty


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