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Best Web Hosting | Kinsta Hosting Review | Managed WordPress Hosting

In this articl we'll be looking at Consta a premium managed WordPress hosting platform for everyone small or large and everything you need to know Kinston managed wordpress hosting is worth looking at if you want a top tier performance on every hosting plan for your WordPress site.

Alternatively if you're on a budget or just think any hosting is good enough then kin stays probably not for you you can look at our other hosting review articl  in the description below before we go into some of the features and performance of kin stuff let's look at what makes it different from other.

Managed WordPress hosting one Kinston managed WordPress hosting is powered exclusively by Google cloud platform and they utilize Google clouds premium to your global network to ensure your site.

Loads even faster which is great for SEO to Kinston is recommended by a Google cloud as a fully managed WordPress hosting solution 3 with kin stay you have the option to choose from 20 data centers for your site for kin Steve's hosting platform doesn't fall into any of the traditional hosting categories it.

Is built exclusively on the Google cloud platform 5 Kinston azor and top tier status on every plan for five years in a row by review signal com one of the leading authorities when it comes to benchmarking WordPress hosting providers.

And now to the features here are some of the features WordPress install free CDN a 30-day money-back guarantee Google cloud platform multi-site support automatic daily backups expert 24/7 support free ssl certificates and many more with their starter plans starting at $30 per month all the way to the enterprise to plan at $900 per month the yearly plan gives you 2 months of free.

Hosting now let's see why kin stes built specifically for speed the performance we ran Kinston Pingdom com a website slash hosting performance monitoring tool to test the uptime an average PageSpeed we see a consistency in the average response time of 171 milliseconds with a maximum of 227 milliseconds and average response time of 154 milliseconds across different locations such as Los Angeles Copenhagen Dublin and others we compared with other.

Managed wordpress hosting companies such as Bluehost WP engine in motion and others kins to showed the fastest average response time with 171 milliseconds with others showing 630 milliseconds 578 milliseconds and 1,500 3 milliseconds respectively.

Kinston also maintained a constant 100% uptime with the highest performance grade of 73% coupled with their performance and features as kin stays client base they've got a number of top-notch clients using their platform these include Ubisoft buffer Asus fresh book General Electric and others overall canst a managed wordpress hosting is worth giving a second thought if you are particular about your site's optimal performance to sign up or learn more about Kinston managed wordpress hosting.


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