HostArmada - Affordable Cloud SSD Web Hosting

Cheap Web Hosting Reviews

 This articl  is all about building a

website on a budgets or for cheap

whichever you prefer to say and for this

articl example I'm going to use Hostgator is an excellent

web hosting business that does domain

names obviously web posting email

accounts and so much more I so as usual

I'm a little list of notes here I'm

gonna go through my bullet points to

tell you what hostgator is about and why

it's so cheap and obviously why it's

worth it first up is unlimited disk

space and bandwidth this means you could

put anything and everything on your

website without ever having to worry

about running out of space this alone is

huge like I said guys I love content

creation so I couldn't imagine being

held back by limitations of how many you

know blog post i want to put out how

many articls i want to put on my site

that is not the case with hostgator next

up is unlimited subdomains FCP accounts

as well as email accounts those are

three important things will definitely

keep in mind the third feature I want to

talk about is the fact that you can

install more than 75 open source

applications on your website for web

post whichever you prefer to say this

includes WordPress which is extremely

popular joomla drupal and even mediawiki

now mediawiki is an excellent platform

that allows you to build your own

Wikipedia like website this is huge if

you have a lot of information to share

or you just want to organize all that

data into one organized website I just

said organize twice but you get the

point next up guys you do have access to

a full control panel so you can control

anything and everything on your website

this means that you have access to

shopping carts so if you're running a

store this is amazing you have access to

blogging obviously blogging is it

anything revolutionary but you will

definitely want to have a blog on your

website and then last but not least you

do have access to forums so if you're

interested in taking that conversation

from blog post to an open forum of yet

you know threaded conversations tons of

topics then you very well can alright so

Hostgator does have ninety-nine point

nine nine percent guaranteed uptime but

David you're probably asking what

happened to that point zero one percent

of time well guys honestly this is

normal for any website and any company

out there I mean nobody can ever


that you have one hundred percent up

time I mean even Squarespace has gone

down now and then and that's my favorite

web post mean it happens but still 99.99

percent up time it's pretty cool but

then of course you do have 24 7 365

support so whether you have questions

about your website four o'clock in the

morning or the night of Christmas Day or

New Year's Eve or whatever the point is

hostgator support is always on your side

this sort of sounds like an

advertisement the way i say on your side

but guys it is the truth the fact that

you can reach them on major holidays or

four o'clock in the morning or whenever

that's pretty awesome in itself because

guys I gotta say they're having other

web post out there where I haven't heard

from them until like two or three days

later and let's face it you want a

response as quick as possible right I

know I do and finally last but certainly

not least on the list of features I want

to talk about is the fact that you are

not tied into a contract this is awesome

nobody likes signing contracts and

getting themselves tied into just one

web hosting company where one web

product or anything for that matter okay

so that is my list of features but

believe me guys Hostgator is huge they

offer so much I cannot stress this

enough Hostgator is one of the largest

web person companies in the world it's

used by millions upon millions of

customers so if you do want more

information check out my link below

using that link will save you money

click it enjoy and just have fun I mean

because creating website should be fun

there's no reason why you should be

frustrated with running a blog or

running an online store or anything like


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