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Greengeeks Hosting Review - A Hidden Gem For Web Hosting?

 what is that party people about a miss

Darrow and today I'm going to be doing a

review on the website called green geeks

calm now I recently had a web hosting

competition and green geeks asked

performed on the top three list against

sixteen different way posing companies

so they perform among the best now if

you do decide to purchase green geeks

there is a link below it's a feel link

so I do make a commission but if you

don't that's that's okay you know I

won't I will hate you but first let's

talk about their pricing we'll talk

about their plans and we'll go ahead and

show you those results of how they beat

fifteen different other competitors well

very surprised so right here let's go

and take a look at their plans right

here I'm just gonna let me go and get my

free domain right here Wow look at that

someone actually bought that domain like

that is who buys that domain that is

crazy let's see if someone's like that

okay there we go I were good so Greeks

calm their base off like renewable

energy they have 24-hour customer

support and their plows are among some

of the cheapest plans so looking at

their plans right here you know for you

want to play for a year you're gonna pay

like five dollars and 95 cents per month

now they do have a three year plan which

you're paying three dollars and ninety

five cents a month and I think I have a

coupon code it will be in the

description below if I have one but you

do also get free SSL's you get free

domains as well they have 24-hour

customer support they offer VPS cloud

shared and dedicated hosting and they

also offer 30-day money-back so if

you're not happy about green geeks or

you're just not working out for you you

do receive a 30-day money-back guarantee

now first let's talk about the results

that I had with green geeks so I

actually performed this web hosting

competition and I was very surprised

about the performance about green geeks

they perform among the best in fact they

were a little faster than psych round

even though a psych round is my official

recommended hosting so here you can see

that they're average low speed around

2.7 seconds with their server response

time at around 2.4 seconds now you want

to compare this to let's

go ahead and take a look at Hostgator


so here are the results from Hostgator

now again remember I compared all these

hosting companies for 30 days to provide

like truthful accurate non biased

results and here we can kind of see in

motion hosting as well their load speed

was around 4.9 seconds companies like

GoDaddy as well three point eight


but when you look at green geeks calm

they perform the best from around 30

days so they are I do officially

recommend them as a web hosting company

they're great their speeds are amazing

and if you're looking for web hosting

and you want to switch to a different

provider I would highly recommend going

with green geeks here

my top three hosting companies are green

geeks psych round and named here calm

because of their speeds and their

support they have great support good

customer service free domain free SSL so

go ahead and give green geeks a try so I

hope this video was helpful I'm just

doing this just to kind of promote this

website because I feel like they're

vastly underrated and they perform very

well on my web hosting test so again my


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